Bowspirit's Aim

Third Target - Midnight Raven

Friday November 05, 2004 - Tuesday July 11, 2011

Wandering vagabond Sevvie Reves, looking desperately for a good meal, stumbles across a poster seeking recruits for a local group of do-gooders. Disorganized leadership and bureaucracy troubles lead to delays, and a misunderstanding causes the unstoppable force to meet the immovable object as she and Karralyn's diametrically opposed world views crash against each other.

Content Warnings

This chapter contains blood,Sevvie is a vampire, and she's very hungry. She bites someone, claws a face and licks both her fingers and the wound, and has an IV bag's worth of blood in a fast food cup. violence,Sevvie "attacks" a victim; Karra comes to the victim's aid and a fight between them ensues. religious intolerance,Karralyn has a very black-and-white view of the world, and in her eyes hurting people is Wrong and Bad, therefore as a vampire, Sevvie (who regularly does so) must also be Wrong and Bad. and sexual harassmentSevvie makes a one-off snide remark about Karra's chest size for no reason.. Hover over each for spoilers and more detail, if desired.

Midnight Raven
Welcome to Ayene The Way to a Woman's Heart
Getting Directions One Big Plot
Friend or Foe Self-Cannibalism Sometimes Looks So Good
Hot Potato Sevvie Getting Down to Business
Enough Interruptions Hot Potato Sevvie, pt 2
Nom Nom Nom Definitions
Swing and a Miss A Noticable Taste of Blood
Talk It Over The Hated Name
Head of the House Awkward Silences
Chance Reencounters Apologies
Defense of Self Interruptions
Meeting in the Hallways Sunset

Random Xella Babble: Third Target

Wednesday February 14, 2024

I think Third Target was the first chapter where there were significant pauses in "production", the creation of the chapter having spanned seven years. There are some bits of it I still like (I'm still not really sure how I managed to get the action 3.47 where it is), but there are also some dialog and pacing issues. The dialog issues are actually something I'm willing to go back and fix some day, since that wouldn't really take all that much time and would make the whole thing feel a little more cohesive. I could also fix my speech bubbles at the same time! Hmmm... I'm definitely getting tempted now, haha.