Hey guess who forgot about the tabs thing? lmao Let's see if we can get that going.

All righty, so here we are. I still haven't added many aesthetic touches to this, since getting it functional needs to be step one. I did increase the number of columns and add more breakpoints so the grid will stay looking decent at various browser sizes, and limited the maximum width of the container so things won't go wonky on a 4k+ monitor (in theory; again, can't really test that part lol). I did a little bit of styling on the navigation just to make them look like tabs, but they can look like anything, really. I also thought about making them sticky (so once they would scroll off-screen they'd actually just stick to the top of the screen) but that's something that can also be done in the aesthetic pass.

One caveat, which may or may not matter: the lightbox doesn't "respect" the tabs; that is, if you bring up the last image on one tab and choose to move right/forward, you'll go to the first image on the next tab, but when you exit the lightbox you'll still be on the tab you started on. I genuinely don't know how I'd go around fixing that, as it's two different java things controlling the lightbox and the tabs, so there's no native interactivity there, and I'm afraid that's currently out of my area of expertise u__u

Actually, second caveat that I just discovered: if you try to lightbox (not thumbnail) the same image url more than once, the lightbox will automatically open at the first instance of it, regardless of which instance you click on. It looks like every instance will show up as a slide if you navigate within the lightbox, but for example that solo image on the Copy Me tab opens to 1/124 instead of 125/125. That makes some of this demonstration a little bit funky, but at least in theory that shouldn't be (much of) a problem when it's actually in use...?

To recreate, save this page, cwa_lightbox_v1.js, w3_tabcode.js, and layout_tabs.css to the same folder; images and thumbnails should be free to be anywhere in your file tree as long as you navigate to them properly.